Intros to Sinophone writers and podcasts

XUANZANG 玄奘 is an ongoing project to highlight quality Chinese-language creators and content. Mandarin is the predominant medium here, but there's a limited Cantonese selection and plans to feature more works beyond these in time.

For more on the concept behind the site, see ABOUT.

Written and audio content is grouped below along with a further section on places to seek out more materials.

Modern literature is the main focus of INK but economics, history, politics and sociology are also featured, as are several excellent online archives that cover an extensive range.

The podcasts in VOICE include series that vary in scope from oral histories and political commentary, to philosophy and pop culture.

Content is chosen from what I've personally read or listened to, and typically included based on cultural significance, entertainment value, social or historical insight, or a combination of these factors.

It's inevitable that many excellent creators have been overlooked here — ping feedback and suggestions to elliott@xuan-zang.com.