This is an ongoing project to highlight creators of Sinophonia — Chinese-language works and sources of related social commentary. 1

It's the site I wish I had access to a decade ago when first seeking out engaging writing and recordings in Chinese.

Click on headings to navigate, or read on below.

 INK   — written word

VOICE    — spoken word

 SOURCES   — tips & tools

See the ABOUT page for more on the concept behind the site.

Mandarin 普通話 / 國語 is the most represented language or dialect here due to its ubiquity, but there's a limited Cantonese 廣東話 / 粵語 selection and plans to feature more beyond these in time.

Ping feedback and suggestions to elliott@xuan-zang.com.


For lack of a better term I'll use Sinophonia to indicate works created by societies with Chinese 中文 / 華語 as a shared language group, and analysis in any language that focuses on those societies. It does not assume a common perspective or aesthetic.